25 min
Image Credits: Marc Doradzillo
Performance Documentation, Vibrant Matter – Vibrant Bodies, E-Werk, Freiburg (GE)
The starting point for the performance is Jane Bennett's theory, as articulated in her book "Vibrant Matter," that matter is not merely passive but constitutes an active and influential force in our world. It engages with other living and non-living entities, thus possessing agency. The performers interact playfully with "matter," illustrating how a different kind of human-object relationship could look. The collective somebody*ies, navigating across borders in the tri-border region, incorporates all media in the performance "Buzzing Creatures." In their merging and fragmented actions, the collective dimension of bodies is brought to the forefront. The performance was developed for the annual festival "Art's Birthday," curated by Nicoletta Torcelli, held in 2023 under the theme "Vibrant Matter – Vibrant Bodies."
Performance Concept: Anna Byskov, Hannah Kindler
Video and Costumes: Hannah Kindler
Objects: Hannah Kindler, Anna Byskov, Stella Meris
Performers: Anna Byskov, Hannah Kindler, Nika Timashkova, Stella Meris
25 min
Performance Documentation, Vibrant Matter – Vibrant Bodies, E-Werk, Freiburg (GE)
Image Credits: Marc Doradzillo
The starting point for the performance is Jane Bennett's theory, as articulated in her book "Vibrant Matter," that matter is not merely passive but constitutes an active and influential force in our world. It engages with other living and non-living entities, thus possessing agency. The performers interact playfully with "matter," illustrating how a different kind of human-object relationship could look. The collective somebody*ies, navigating across borders in the tri-border region, incorporates all media in the performance "Buzzing Creatures." In their merging and fragmented actions, the collective dimension of bodies is brought to the forefront. The performance was developed for the annual festival "Art's Birthday," curated by Nicoletta Torcelli, held in 2023 under the theme "Vibrant Matter – Vibrant Bodies."
Performance Concept: Anna Byskov, Hannah Kindler
Video and Costumes: Hannah Kindler
Objects: Hannah Kindler, Anna Byskov, Stella Meris
Performers: Anna Byskov, Hannah Kindler, Nika Timashkova, Stella Meris