45 min
Performance documentation, WALK THEIR PATH / Clara Immerwahr, Stadtjubiläum Freiburg, Clara-Immerwahr-Straße, Freiburg (GE)
Image Credits: Dennis Gasser
The street performance "Clara Immerwahr" pays homage to the life and achievements of the German chemist. Immerwahr made history as one of the first women to earn a doctorate from a university. This performance delves into key moments from her life, bringing them to life through a series of evocative actions. By doing so, the ordinary rhythms of everyday life are momentarily disrupted, and the streets themselves transform into a poignant site of remembrance.
Concept, textile objects, and performers: Anna Byskov, Hannah Kindler, Nika Timashkova
A project with the somebody*ies collective
45 min
Performance documentation, WALK THEIR PATH / Clara Immerwahr, Stadtjubiläum Freiburg, Clara-Immerwahr-Straße, Freiburg (GE)
Image Credits: Dennis Gasser
The street performance "Clara Immerwahr" pays homage to the life and achievements of the German chemist. Immerwahr made history as one of the first women to earn a doctorate from a university. This performance delves into key moments from her life, bringing them to life through a series of evocative actions. By doing so, the ordinary rhythms of everyday life are momentarily disrupted, and the streets themselves transform into a poignant site of remembrance.
Concept, textile objects, and performers: Anna Byskov, Hannah Kindler, Nika Timashkova
A project with the somebody*ies collective